I finally have the pics from the "Paternity Leave Survival Party" that Felida hosted for me. It's amazing to see how much Johanna has grown in the six weeks since the party. Thank you, Candi Talbott, for the pics.

Quite a stash of diapers! Each grade level gave a different gift, some for Johanna, some for daddy. This pile is 2 grades' worth of diapers!

Johanna posing with (left to right), Ms. Patton; Mrs. Ramberg, the associate principal; and Mrs. Herkert.

Johanna doing her favorite "folding my hands, ain't I cute" pose with Ms. Patton.

PE teacher Mr. Cast may need some of those in a year or two....
The next two pics are ones I took on the 4th. She loves looking into the mirror in the hall (something she must have inherited from dad), and she looked so cute, I decided to shoot a few.