JoJo returned today from California! She spent a week at Grandma and Grandpa Geldreich's house, with her aunts and cousins from mom's side of the family.
It's the first time since Christmas I've been away from her for a week, so she looked a little different when I saw her. Her hair had grown, so there's no more cute bald girl pictures! She has a tooth that's almost completely in on top and a second one that's starting to show.
When I picked her, mom, and Cedar up at the airport, she wouldn't stop turning around in her seat looking at and talking to me. I couldn't wait to get her home and hug her.
The number one question I was asked while she was gone was whether she'd be walking when she returned. Turns out she still prefers holding both hands, although if she has a toy she will walk with one. She can, and has, walked on her own. I tried making her walk with one hand today, and she cried, even after I took her second one. Then I had to ask myself, "why am I pushing her?" So I figured she'll walk on her own when she feels like it. That's fine with me because it gives me more time to babyproof the cabinets.
We took our usual walk to Gaiser Park, played on the swings and slide, and as is becoming the habit, she fell asleep just before we got home, so daddy had some reading time out on the porch while she slept in the stroller. It's amazing how quickly we get back into old routines....
Hopefully some pics will be available tomorrow!
Cause Based Treatment
6 years ago