It's so hard being a celebrity! Sometimes JoJo gets tired of all the paparazzi chasing her - can't a baby have some privacy!

All these are from JoJo's visit to the local pumpkin patch with Cedar, mom, and Zoe.
JoJo's latest new thing is sucking on ice cubes, a habit she learned from mom. She points at the freezer and (sometimes) says "ice" or tries to, but mostly she points and grunts and gets all excited if I say "ice" to her. She also reacts the same way to "hungry," "bottle," and "food" when she wants those. Today she called out Zoe's name, but most things are still "daeee" even Mommy, although sometimes, if prompted enough, she'll say "momma."
Her latest trick is climbing. She can climb on and off her white rocker, and it scares me sometimes to see her standing on it while it's wobbling, but she hasn't fallen yet. She also has overcome her fear of the garage door threshold, which lead to the only set of stairs in the house. I helped her down the stairs and turned my back on her, only to find her at the top of the stairs (only 3 of them) reaching for the doorframe because she didn't know how to do the top one. I'm afraid she's just going to go running off the stairs onto the cement floor, so hopefully she'll continue to be hesitant at the threshold. She slides off the couch pretty well, although she enjoys standing on it and jumping around.
This week also brought another bed-time first: JoJo went from 7 pm until 6 am without a bottle, for the first time in 15 months! At 6 she downed a whole cup of apple sauce and 8 oz. of milk, but I was happy. I had hoped it was a trend, but sure enough, at 1:30 last night, she refused to go back to sleep without a few ounces of milk. Now that she's broken the habit of sleeping on my chest, hopefully we can break the comfort feeding in the middle of the night. The only thing left will be staying in the crib (currently she stays between us once she wakes up for a bottle), and I MAY actually get good sleep two nights in a row - here's hoping!
I hope to have some videos to put up tomorrow.
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