Here we see Johanna sleeping soundly on the blanket hand-made by one of my co-workers, Peggy Phemister. Beautiful baby, beautiful blanket.
The last few days we've been dealing with a not-so-beautiful subject: constipation! Johanna went nearly 24 hours without any poop, and she was screaming in pain every time she tried. The answer: castor oil! When I rubbed it on Johanna's tummy in a clock-wise direction, hoo-wee, the floodgates opened! I had to use it (on Johanna) twice Friday.
This whole incident led my mind to a fairly twisted thought. I can imagine when Johanna is 16 and being annoying around her friends. I see myself walking up to them and saying, "Did I ever tell you about the time when Johanna was constipated as a baby? She'd wake up, she'd streeeeetch out her little body, make a face, and getter redder and redder and redder (kinda like she is now), and then she'd yell at the top of her lungs! For days she was like this. When she finally pooped, her face would relax and she'd smile in relief. Funny thing is," I'd say, with a wink, "she still does that every once in a while when she ...." I'm sure Johanna would love to hear that story. (Disclaimer: this is just a joke - I would NEVER do anything to embarass my child when she is a teenager!)
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