Tuesday was Johanna's official due date. Also, I found out yesterday that Sheryl's younger sister, Cari, and her mother are both coming up to visit for a few days, both near the end the month. Thank you in advance! As you can see below, we need the help!
The lack of sleep is starting to wear mommy and daddy thin. I can't convince Sheryl that she's not "boring" just because she's sleeping in until noon each day while recovering from a c-section, pneumonia, and the general trauma of having a baby. She's used to being active, she's a morning person, and it's her summer, where she's supposed to have fun away from NCNM, and it's not happenning. Top that with an anemic baby who cries when the constipation kicks in (and stops crying only when she finally squeezes something out!) and you can see why Sheryl is ... a little down lately. As for this daddy, I don't know how many more days I can take of going to bed at midnight, turning lights out around 1, waking up at least once and then taking baby out of the room at 5:30 so Sheryl can finally sleep. I'm not napping at all, but I'm doing very little of anything, just trying to care for baby, Sheryl, and keeping track of Cedar (who is being her usual resilient self...). Yesterday I read 3 books cover to cover since I couldn't go anywhere, and even video games are not interesting any more. I think we need to take some of our friends up on their multiple babysitting offers. I know this is hard for some people to believe, but I might start getting grumpy soon! (Imagine that! Big shock, eh?) All said, if I had to choose, I'd take my lack of sleep over what Sheryl is going through; I'm not sure I could handle it...
Enough whining already!

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