Another wonderful day of paternity leave. After I dropped Cedar off at school, I sat on the bed with my laptop while Johanna slept. I fed her a bottle and we lay flat on our backs playing with the elephant mobile that Auntie Cari had purchased for her. It sits about 2 feet over the bed, just below the pillows, in the middle. (Johanna sleeps in the middle of our bed.) After that we drove over to Judy's house for lunch. We ended up going for a walk and staying until 2:30, when it was time to pick up Cedar from school.
I'm noticing some routines: She likes to sleep most of the morning. If she's cranky, it's sure to me in the late afternoon. Putting her in the Baby Bjorn may not make her happy at first, but it is sure to put her to sleep. She cries getting into the car seat, until she's carried out the door, then she is just fine. Daddy has about a 50/50 chance of getting her to burp when he thinks she needs to. If you say almost anything in the right voice, she'll smile. She loves being held on her back in my arms, staring at the bright kitchen lights; sometimes it's the only thing that will calm her down. Inversely, sitting down with her when she's being held like that will make her cry.
I have some video of her I'll try to put on here. It's some cute smiles, which are hard to get a still of because they are still rare and don't last too long - yet!
Cause Based Treatment
6 years ago