Johanna spent most of the day in the Baby Bjorn, attached to my sister Sue.
Saturday was a busy day for Johanna, so Sunday we took it easy.
Saturday she went with Sue, Grandma, Nana (Great Grandma), and me to Hood River to buy pears. Later, she went to Chris' football game (they won, 26-0). Sue insisted on carrying Johanna in the Baby Bjorn (donated by Tonia B.) everywhere we went. Johanna seemed to like it; although we had tried her out in it at home, this was her first "all day" experience in one. I am curious to try it with her myself.
I am also realizing how much wishful thinking I employ in my trip preparation. "She eat 2 hours ago, and we'll only be gone for an hour" has back-fired on me quite a bit, and I'm still not used to having baby in one arm with diaper bag in the other. I've made several trips back to the car in the last few days.
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