Exciting news! Johanna was weighed at 10 lbs., 8 oz. (with clothes and diapers on). People keep asking how big she's getting - there it is.
After hanging out all day with mommy on Thursday, Johanna made an appearance at my school's Ice Cream Social. Everyone oohed and aahed, and I wish I had pictures of Kindergartner Brandon who couldn't stay more than a foot away from her. It was cute watching him, although I had to remove his finger from her face a few times. Many people said how cute she is and they understand why Daddy is staying home for a while.
After that we went and visited Judy, who is recovering from surgery. She was very glad to see Johanna and Cedar. We stayed for about an hour, talking about work and watching football.
Friday was another first - after wasting away the morning watching TV with a tired Daddy and Cedar, we took out the baby jogger for the first time. Things were good until we were at the 3/4 mile marker on the way back to the car. Johanna woke up. Daddy, thinking he was playing the clock right, hadn't packed an extra bottle, so I spent the entire time holding her (while pushing the jogger with one hand), singing, or sometimes ignoring her as she yelled the entire time. Of course, once we got to the car and decided to head home instead of the library, she fell asleep again! Good thing Daddy has so much patience!
We eventually made it to the public library. They won't give her a card yet, but Daddy did hear a nice speech about reading to kids and the importance of it from the desk clerk. She's one of the few who work at that branch that don't that I run the library at an elementary school! I was tempted to interrupt and tell her that, but she seemed so proud of the fact she had started another child on the reading track! We did get a nifty carrying bag with 2 board books inside.
1 comment:
Dude, I see a Pulitzer in your future! Engrossing, inspired writing with such "powerful" words!
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