Sunday, December 02, 2012

The hat

I found a knit hat and scarf combo this morning tucked up on the coat closet shelf.  It's way too big for her, but Jojo loves it.  She's worn it all day and intends to sleep with it tonight.  I'm glad, as she was starting to claim my black/grey hat for herself. 

She wrote a note for me.  It says, 'There is no time that I can't have the hat.'  Cool to see how much she's learning in 1st grade, as her reading confidence has grown since September. 

On a sad note, we are quitting TaeKwonDo - Jojo wants to take a break, and although I had just started the class, I don't want to attend without her and make her wait in the gym for me.  Mondays were getting too crazy anyway, so although I'll miss the class, I'm sure I won't miss being out until past 7 every night.