Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School.

Jojo went back to Jeanie's today since it was my first required day back at work. She cried last night, saying she'd rather go to grandma's house than Jeanie's.

I called Jeanie in the middle of the day, and everything was fine. When I went to pick her up, she could hardly wait to go back!

A few interesting developments in the last week:

1. Jojo has slept through the night all but one night! Daddy really really likes that! It's amazing how much better the morning feels after a good night's sleep.

2. Jojo discovered the term "best friend." Now, everyone is her "best friend." It's so fun to see her pick up new ideas, even if she doesn't get them perfect.

3. Bambi is the new favorite movie - I've seen it at least 6 times in the past week. Jojo knows that "the hunters shot Bambi's mom because they wanted to eat her for dinner!" Oh the joy of molding a young, impressionable mind. It is a little difficult to explain why Bambi has to fight the other boy deer over Faline. "They both wanted her to be their friend" is the best I can offer....

Little Red Riding Hood continues to be the favorite bedtime story. If I change the story just a little bit, she corrects me. Cousin Matthew said that the wolf ate Grannie, so now I have to tell it that way.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A perfect evening: steak dinner, new H. D. Wilson novel, gonna see District 9 later.

Yeah right. Mom calls, "Jojo has diarrhea, you need to come get her." Trade H. D. Wilson for Bark, George and This Little Chick. Trade District 9 for Bambi. Jojo, after one more "episode" (to be polite), was happy to be home. She called mommy on the phone, jumped on the couch, and ate a lot of ice cream.

One final trade: trade a night alone with a fun evening with my little girl. All in all, it was a good deal.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tough day. Spent too much money making a planter box that was too big, too this, too that. Feeling crummy.

Then Jojo wanted to play, and she said, "I love you Daddy." I feel much better.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some videos taken in the last week. Jojo loves bubbles.

She also loves to "help" in whatever project is going on. I wonder what age they stop doing that? I love it, although I feel bad when I have to tell her it's a big person job and she can't really help. Usually I can find some fun side task for her to do that keeps her happy and out of the way. It's fun just having her out there. In the video, she had seen me use the screwdriver to dig out rotten wood from the deck, so she decided to do the same on other boards - stick the screwdriver between the boards.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On Sunday we brought Jojo to church with Pull-ups because she's doing pretty well, but still not 100% reliable yet on the potty. Sure enough, I got called again this week to change her - I haven't heard a full sermon in about 2 months.

Anyway, on the way back to her classroom, Jojo told me what really happened: "You and mommy forgot to take me to potty before church because you are bad parents."

Also, Jojo has a new tent and camping chair. They're pink (of course); the tent is small enough that I can only sit up in the middle of it. It's set up in Jojo's room, and she loves to call Buster and have him rub up against the door, but she won't let him in!

Jojo's favorite dessert. Notice the hair. It looks styled, but we've never cut it.