Sunday, November 08, 2009

Still catching up on videos. Beach pics are from a weekend at the coast with cousin Alex and family.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

It's been two months since the last post. What can I say? School started. National boards.

I have a bunch of videos; here's some off-video highlights:

- At dinner last week, Jojo said, "salt, sssssss, salt starts with S." We didn't teach her that - must be Jeanie.
- While we were at one of Sis's games, Jojo saw "WOLVES" painted on the floor. She said, "there's the O, where's the 'Ju' (didn't say the letter J, but the sound). Not bad, eh? Jeanie again.
- She is also learning to write her name.
- she has a new friend, Aleah, 4 year old sister of one of Cedar's friends.
- Everything is "Dora, Dora, Dora." Could be worse - it could be cats, cats, cats!

Enjoy the videos!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Another telling conversation, as of this morning.

J - "Do I have a Thomas the train book?"
D - "Yes, I think so. I know Grandma has lots of them."
J - "Hey." (pause) "I said, 'HEY.' Are you listening to me?
D - "Yes, Jojo. What did you want to say?"
J - leans in and whispers, "My grandma is super!"

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Oh, the stories Jojo tells.

Every day I get one report from Jeanie how Jojo was at daycare: "Jojo played with Ashley all day long - they were inseparable. They even took a late nap because they wouldn't stop playing."

Jojo's version: "Ashley wouldn't play with me because she was playing with her friend, so I went and sat against the wall" and "I played by myself when Ashley went home." "I couldn't play with two girls at the same time yesterday."

Today, Ashley wouldn't "come back to the party." I asked, "was there a party today at Jeanie's house?" "Yes, but God didn't give us any presents." "Oh. What presents did you want?" "oh, a little calculator, a sweater I can wear when I'm a big girl, a toy phone." (Those were the things Jojo had brought to Jeanie's the day before.)

Jeanie and I just laugh as I tell her the "report" that Jojo gives in the car.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School.

Jojo went back to Jeanie's today since it was my first required day back at work. She cried last night, saying she'd rather go to grandma's house than Jeanie's.

I called Jeanie in the middle of the day, and everything was fine. When I went to pick her up, she could hardly wait to go back!

A few interesting developments in the last week:

1. Jojo has slept through the night all but one night! Daddy really really likes that! It's amazing how much better the morning feels after a good night's sleep.

2. Jojo discovered the term "best friend." Now, everyone is her "best friend." It's so fun to see her pick up new ideas, even if she doesn't get them perfect.

3. Bambi is the new favorite movie - I've seen it at least 6 times in the past week. Jojo knows that "the hunters shot Bambi's mom because they wanted to eat her for dinner!" Oh the joy of molding a young, impressionable mind. It is a little difficult to explain why Bambi has to fight the other boy deer over Faline. "They both wanted her to be their friend" is the best I can offer....

Little Red Riding Hood continues to be the favorite bedtime story. If I change the story just a little bit, she corrects me. Cousin Matthew said that the wolf ate Grannie, so now I have to tell it that way.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A perfect evening: steak dinner, new H. D. Wilson novel, gonna see District 9 later.

Yeah right. Mom calls, "Jojo has diarrhea, you need to come get her." Trade H. D. Wilson for Bark, George and This Little Chick. Trade District 9 for Bambi. Jojo, after one more "episode" (to be polite), was happy to be home. She called mommy on the phone, jumped on the couch, and ate a lot of ice cream.

One final trade: trade a night alone with a fun evening with my little girl. All in all, it was a good deal.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tough day. Spent too much money making a planter box that was too big, too this, too that. Feeling crummy.

Then Jojo wanted to play, and she said, "I love you Daddy." I feel much better.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some videos taken in the last week. Jojo loves bubbles.

She also loves to "help" in whatever project is going on. I wonder what age they stop doing that? I love it, although I feel bad when I have to tell her it's a big person job and she can't really help. Usually I can find some fun side task for her to do that keeps her happy and out of the way. It's fun just having her out there. In the video, she had seen me use the screwdriver to dig out rotten wood from the deck, so she decided to do the same on other boards - stick the screwdriver between the boards.

Monday, August 17, 2009

On Sunday we brought Jojo to church with Pull-ups because she's doing pretty well, but still not 100% reliable yet on the potty. Sure enough, I got called again this week to change her - I haven't heard a full sermon in about 2 months.

Anyway, on the way back to her classroom, Jojo told me what really happened: "You and mommy forgot to take me to potty before church because you are bad parents."

Also, Jojo has a new tent and camping chair. They're pink (of course); the tent is small enough that I can only sit up in the middle of it. It's set up in Jojo's room, and she loves to call Buster and have him rub up against the door, but she won't let him in!

Jojo's favorite dessert. Notice the hair. It looks styled, but we've never cut it.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Vacation and birthday videos!

Birthday cake!

Gift from Ashley!

opening the scooter!

learning to ride the scooter!

In Santa Cruz

Jojo with her cowboy hat... I have no idea who "Amy" is!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jojo was riding her tricycle tonight on our walk - the first night since we've been home it's been cool enough to walk.

A few things stood out. First, she actually pedaled the pedals - which is new. Now, the pedaling didn't really get her anywhere, but she was proud of herself for pedaling as I pushed her. She even declared, "I can steer left and I can steer right!" and she did actually steer in the correct directions while saying that. The second is a habit that's been developing for a while. She got excited about "exercising her legs" so she took one hand off the bars, put it to her ear and called Hudson. "Hudson, I'm exercising my legs. Want to come exercise with me? Hudson, I'm exercising..." on and one. She even switched hands a few times. Finally, it's only been a few times she's had the thumb strength to ring her bell. I asked her to ring her bell, and she said, "That's not a bell. This (the fork for the steering handles) is the horn - that (the bell!) is the bell. See? This is the horn, that's the bell."

We've been to the pool every day this week. She still cries when she gets her face wet. I don't know what it is, but kids keep coming up to us at the pool asking me about Jojo. Usually it's 4-5 year old girls. Then they splash us, which makes Jojo cry. I eventually have to ask them to leave us alone, usually politely, although this one girl got kinda mean about it. Jojo likes to stand between my legs as I sit on the pool bottom and use my hands to scoot along. A little girl actually tried to sit on my lap, getting between me and Jojo. Jojo yelled, "that's my daddy! You go away!"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the silent pout... but still cute!

Jojo tricked me into "sharing" her cone with my bowl...

Jojo and mom at the fountain in Los Gatos.

More ice cream... always pink!

Best seat in the house... Jojo enjoys the backpack.

Eating lunch with sis and Aunt Kari during our hike. Daddy gets a much-needed backpack break.

This fallen tree was THE place to climb in Big Basin. Here with sis, cousins Evan and Kareena.

Sand toys in Santa Cruz!

Jojo on the plane ride on the SC boardwalk. She didn't like her first ride, but this one she at least smiled on.

Point Reyes was beautiful, cold, and foggy! We didn't stay long.

Funny that no matter how cool the vacation location is, this is Jojo's favorite spot - pretending to drive...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pictures are coming...

I just had to share this one today: We are still working hard on the potty training thing, with some progress. Today Jojo woke up from her nap and had gas. I asked her if she needed to go potty. She said, "No, it's just gas. I need to go to the gas station."

We spent 2 hours today trying to beat the heat at Lakeshore's pool. It was great.

Jojo is so intent on becoming a "big girl" that I'm a little scared it's become too much. She acts out as a baby, wimpering and waving her hands in front of her, as if she's fighting the idea of having to act "older." I hate to push her, but at the same time, I don't know the line between letting her grow up at her own pace and holding her back by doing too much for her. Not that she's behind, per se. It's just hard not to compare her in the obvious area that we think she's behind in, i.e. the potty issue.

She'll always be my "little girl," and I know I should enjoy every moment, which I'm trying to do.

Vacation pics will be posted tomorrow.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Just two weeks, and I missed so much. Gotta get some videos from Sheryl.

Jojo keeps coming up with these "words of the day." Not that she calls them that, but I do. The first was "adorable" as in everything is "just adorable." Then it was "amazing." We went to check out Lakeshore AC. She saw the small gym, and I put her on the bench outside the window. "It's amazing!" she said. She said it a few more times throughout the tour. I'll post the videos we have on it.

She is also getting into the "watch me, Daddy!" phase. She's been in the "will you do ___ with me" for a while. She loves Sis's Hello Kitty baseball bat, and we have to tell her not to hit everything and everyone in sight with it. I think she learned it from playing baseball with the boys in Grandma's backyard. Sometimes the boys play swords or light sabers with them, too. She's asked me to fight with her a couple of times.

It is amazing how much she picks up. At the library last week, she wanted books on Humpty Dumpty (where'd she find out about him?). We got three of them, and of course she likes the one that has Humpty Dumpty climbing in his underwear (H.D. Climbs Again by David Horowitz).

Her favorite bed time story is still Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I try to incorporate something from our day into the story, but it always starts the same: "once upon a time there was a girl named... what was her name?" "Goldilocks" comes the happy answer. Yesterday Goldilocks liked to pick blueberries with her mommy (something she and Sheryl did in the backyard that evening). She tends to fall asleep before I finish the story, but if she's awake, she knows if I vary it one bit, and she corrects me. The routine has become more complicated by a string of party lights over her bed. She gets to drink her milk and maybe read one book while the lights are on, but we have to turn them off for Goldilocks or she won't go to sleep. "But it's dark when I close my eyes" she protests. "Yes, but if you don't close your eyes, you can't fall asleep." I lay on the floor, usually stretching my back as I tell the story. It also makes it easier for me to escape one she's asleep because she can't feel me take pressure off the mattress or anything like that, as I had to learn the hard way.

Jojo is also learning to enjoy time with Sis. She used to beg to go everywhere with me. Now if Sis is home, she wants to stay home with Sis. Today she threw Sis a ball (stilling working on catching) and watched Sis cut out clothes from her fashion book. Sis won't change her diapers, so I can't be gone long.

Finally, we took Jojo off cow milk, and her attitude has improved. Less cranky, more cheerful. She's actually eating food and asking for food. Granted, it's the same food - prunes, meat, yogurt, cereal, crackers - just more of it and more willingly.

Tomorrow she is going swimming with Grandma. I'll tell you how it went...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"When I get bigger" is the latest theme, along with "Daddy says I'm getting to be a big girl."

My favorite is "when I get better, I'm going to teach Buster to ride a bicycle." Of course, if you laugh at it, she repeats it over and over again. Fun stuff.

So, what does it take to be a "big girl"? Potty trained? We're working on that. Sleep through the night? I wish. No more milk (soy or regular) in the middle of the night? Start school? Not rushing that one. What is the milestone, besides age?

Speaking of school, Jeanie's lessons have stuck! Jojo can say her ABC's ("next time I will listen to you!") and count to 12, after which she gets creative and repetitive. She also knows that a stop sign is an octagon (as mentioned below), but when you ask, "what does an octagon look like" the answer is simple: Jeanie has a blue one.

We went to the public library for story time today. That ladies who run story time are amazing, keeping the kids' attention and all, although I must say, if I had to listen to them all the time, they'd drive me crazy!

Below is a video Sheryl shot tonight. It's another "bigger" story:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Jojo is getting demanding. Everyone talks about the Terrible Twos, and I think she's there.

- In certain moods, she contradicts everything! "No, it's not!" You could say the sky is blue and she'd argue!
- She makes up things that other people supposedly said or think: "Sis says she doesn't want to!" when Sis wasn't even in the room.
- Her please goes on forever, and even when you say yes, if you don't do what she wants immediately, she keeps going...
- Her new phrase is "I can't." I'm trying to teach her to say, "I need help" or "I didn't know how" or something like that. A whiny "I can't" is too sad for me.

The pics below are ones Jojo took with Mommy's camera. She knows to put the strap around her neck so she doesn't drop it, but the strap is so long, it's up on her shoulder on one side and tangling up her elbow on the other. She tells everyone (includind Buster and the chickens) to say cheese!

Half of daddy...

Most of mommy, who was working on the chicken coop.

I helped her a little with aiming this one... she took 2 more on her own.

The next three are just random shots... she took alot of shots of her legs while walking around. I had to really lean in to get into one of the shots she asked me to say "cheese" for!

The chickens didn't say cheese, but she got really good detail on the chicken wire...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Finally got one video to upload!

Still having trouble uploading videos. Must be the 2 red bars that show my weak internet connection.

Anyway, we went for a walk tonight. Jojo spends half the time on our family walks in the stroller, and half the time walking. She likes to run, either chasing (catching up to) Mommy, or telling me, "you can't catch me!" I called her the Gingerbread girl (or the Jojobread girl). She started calling me the Stinky Cheese Man! Then Cedar was Sis Pequano (rhymes with "volcano").

I cringe a little bit as she runs down the sidewalk, as if I'm bracing myself for a face-plant. She hasn't tripped in a while, but a part of me wants to grab her, or at least run next to her in case she does.

On the way home she got the idea of walking on the 6 inch edge of the sidewalk. I pushed the stroller and held her hand as she "balanced" on the edge. Again, I had to fight the urge to tell her to move to the middle of the sidewalk where it's safer. I also had to fight the impatience I felt as they walked slower than usual on the edge (when she walked at all). "why am I in a hurry?" I had to keep asking myself. Then I'd smile and let her do her thing.

She still doesn't get the concept that I can't stop the stroller in the middle of an intersection so she can walk, and she thinks she can jump out at any time. Twice I almost ran her over because she climbed down and stood in front of the stroller.

All in all, it was a fun little walk. Much better than watching TV, for sure.

Hopefully with all that running she'll sleep better. She was up at 2 last night, and kept us both up until 3. Finally, after she kept fussing, I told her she would be in her room if she didn't stop whining and crying. She said she wanted to be in her room, and she slept until after 6. Go figure. This interrupted sleep is really wearing Sheryl and I down. I hate to look forward to the night she's at grandma's - I hate to think that I want my kid to be gone just so I can sleep. I know she loves it at grandma's, but hopefully she'll start sleeping through the night.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I was admonished by my mother that I have not been keeping up on this blog.

The videos I referred to back in April are gone! I do have some more recently; they are below.

The big new thing with Jojo is "octagon." She has astonished a bunch of people lately with her recognition of stop signs and saying, "stop sign is an octagon." Of course, when tested, she couldn't identify a square, so the geometry stills needs some work, but she's one smart kid!

Jojo counts to 10 very well, and often gets to twelve before she either starts repeating herself or getting creative. She can also say her alphabet very well when she wants to. Thanks, Jeanie!

We're also working on please and thank you. I sometimes forgot to require her to say please, so it's still a work in progress.

Jojo has also discovered hitting. She will swing anything around, hit anything with anything, and loves shooting bad guys. I'm sure this has nothing to do with infatuation with her cousin Hudson, who is now her favorite person. She loves Hudson! When I tell her she is going to grandma's house, her first question is, "will Hudson come play?" She has gone to Hudson's house the last two weeks to play with him.

Finally, Jojo cannot go to bed with hearing "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (and sometimes "and Flowers and her Mommy"). If I try to sing to her, she tells me "she's boring" (meaning, she's bored), and that I need to stop. I do try to pray with her after she sleeps, and often I'll get my "Jesus Loves Me" song in then.

I will try to post more often so each post isn't a long list of catch-up.

Enjoy the videos and pics below!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A couple of funny stories. I have plenty of videos to upload. I just got a monitor from my dad, so my laptop, which has display issues, will become a desktop here pretty soon.

On Sunday, Jojo and I were at Subway. A little girl a few booths over started crying. She asked me, "Is that girl crying because her mommy said no?" "I don't know," I said. Her reply: "When mommy says no, Sis only gets mad."

Tonight I was singing the ABC song with her as we read Alphabet Rescue. I sang it, and she held her hand sideways across her lips like she was telling me a secret and said softly, "You have to sing it better!" The song apparently ends with "Next time I will sing to you" instead of "next time won't you sing with me."

Jojo got her first knee scrape when she went to the park with mom Sunday night. She's worn her first band-aid the last few days. I had to tell her her knee wasn't bad, and I think I've convinced her it'll get better.

She loves Goldilocks and the three bears and has the version we read down so well she corrects me if I don't say it right. Most of the time I repeat it without the book, but she reminds me that Goldilocks "ate the porridge all up" the chair didn't just break - it "broke into little pieces," and the little bear's bed is not a bed but a crib.

She is a very observant little girl. I am amazed at how well she thinks - not just remembers, but seems to take the time to reason things out.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My computer has been acting up lately, so it's been a while.

I have some videos to share. There's a lot more, but my HD+ camera is too fast for my computer, so it locks it up. Not fun.

Jojo has been sick the last week or two.

We also had a Utah scare, as in, we were seriously considering moving to Utah. Scary stuff. Glad we didn't!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jojo loves to eat paper, especially toilet paper. Lately, she's come up with two tricks. When she's on the potty, she asks Sheryl or me to go get her diaper. She is trying to get us out of the room so she can take a mouthful. Also, she calls it gum, as in the video below.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

JoJo has been really fun lately.

On the one side, she loves to be helpful. She helps grandma at the food bank and in her basement. Tonight Sheryl is folding brochures for an upcoming camp, and JoJo wanted to help, so she helped put some of the brochures into the box. Then she got her own pad of paper and started tri-folding them, offering them to mommy and sis as "gifts."

It's also funny hearing her reports about Jeanie's house. "Jancie is a bad boy." "Hudson gave Jeanie a broon today." What's a broon, Jojo? She patiently repeats herself until I figure out it's a balloon. Was it Jeanie's birthday? "Yes." I can't be for sure because every day is a birthday with her!

At the same time, she's figured out the mommy-daddy game. If mommy tells her to do or stop doing something, she runs to daddy. If daddy tells her, she runs to mommy. She's not getting away with it much, which is good.

She loves her Monday nights and Tuesday days with Grandma, and mommy and daddy love their one night a week of uninterrupted sleep. Needless to say, I still did wake up at 3:30, probably out of habit.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The first videos from my new Vado camera. As I learn to edit video, I'll put up more.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Less writing, more pics... many more coming!