Monday, August 17, 2009

On Sunday we brought Jojo to church with Pull-ups because she's doing pretty well, but still not 100% reliable yet on the potty. Sure enough, I got called again this week to change her - I haven't heard a full sermon in about 2 months.

Anyway, on the way back to her classroom, Jojo told me what really happened: "You and mommy forgot to take me to potty before church because you are bad parents."

Also, Jojo has a new tent and camping chair. They're pink (of course); the tent is small enough that I can only sit up in the middle of it. It's set up in Jojo's room, and she loves to call Buster and have him rub up against the door, but she won't let him in!

Jojo's favorite dessert. Notice the hair. It looks styled, but we've never cut it.

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