Friday, September 19, 2008

A few more stories about JoJo.

She still loves to read. I asked her last night what book she wanted to read, and she said, "Neetches Upon Thars" (referring to Sneetches by Seuss). After reading the story, she pointed to a fish and asked, "what's this?" I said, "it's a fish's tail." She said, "It's his banana - the fish's banana."

Then when we read, "The Zax," she pointed to the Zax (who are naked, but covered with hair) near his groin area and said, "that's his butt." I pointed to his rear and and said, "No, that's his butt." She said, "That's his buttom. This is his butt."

The potty training hasn't improved. She goes in the potty first thing in the morning, but otherwise she doesn't use it.

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