Monday, July 27, 2009

Pictures are coming...

I just had to share this one today: We are still working hard on the potty training thing, with some progress. Today Jojo woke up from her nap and had gas. I asked her if she needed to go potty. She said, "No, it's just gas. I need to go to the gas station."

We spent 2 hours today trying to beat the heat at Lakeshore's pool. It was great.

Jojo is so intent on becoming a "big girl" that I'm a little scared it's become too much. She acts out as a baby, wimpering and waving her hands in front of her, as if she's fighting the idea of having to act "older." I hate to push her, but at the same time, I don't know the line between letting her grow up at her own pace and holding her back by doing too much for her. Not that she's behind, per se. It's just hard not to compare her in the obvious area that we think she's behind in, i.e. the potty issue.

She'll always be my "little girl," and I know I should enjoy every moment, which I'm trying to do.

Vacation pics will be posted tomorrow.

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