Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sorry, no pics today. We did a lot of running around town:

Johanna, Mommy, and Cedar drove down to the Farmer's Market where Daddy was hanging out with some friends who host a Christian booth. Daddy had ridden his bike down there. We also saw one of the teachers whom Daddy works with. Then we went to the city to see the Art in the Pearl exhibits. Daddy heard more comments about how cute Johanna was than how good the art was (although I did like two of the artists!). It's amazing how people would just walk up to us and say, "can I see your baby? How old is she? She's so good (she slept most of the time). She's soooo cuuuute." Then we went on an after-dinner hike down the creek trail. It was just light enough to get our feet wet and turn around again.

Now Johanna is wearing nothing but a diaper as she lies with her head on daddy's leg. It is very hot in our house!

Another example of her amazing growth: She has outgrown her first Bumkins!

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