Another Johanna "picture of the day." I must admit, I was a bit lazy today and only took 4 pictures, two of which turned out and are posted here. Johanna loves her little baby pillow (there's an official name for this thingy, but I don't know what it is - it's a purple pillow as far as I'm concerned). We got it from Auntie Tania in San Francisco, who sent down a whole bunch of stuff that baby Freya doesn't use anymore. Anyway, Johanna looked even more adorable (if that's possible) in her red dress, but I didn't take any pics. I'll save those for her first day at church tomorrow.

The one visitor today was Great-Aunt Johanna from California. Johanna travels to Russia, Khyrgistan, and Mongolia teaching classes with Campus Crusades. She took the girls out to dinner while I visited dad in the hospital. To no one's surprise, the reports came back that everyone at Beaches thought baby Johanna was, yes, adorable.
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