The pictures today describe what kind of day it was - slow and sleepy. Which tells you what tonight will probably be like...
Johanna was with mom much of the day, but she did get two good naps in with dad. She slept on my lap while I read articles from motleyfool.com, and she slept again through Last Comic Standing (guess they weren't all that funny!) and Dirty Jobs. That pretty much describes my night.
One thing I love is that she responds to my voice. She almost instantly stops crying when she hears "hey, little girl" from daddy. A particularly obnoxious cry might require a tummy rub or having her arms held to her chest, but the voice is usually effective. And I can say funny things in the "calming voice" which makes Cedar laugh and Johanna calm down - two good things in one.
Tomorrow is a big day as mommy goes back to her clinic shifts and Johanna is left with daddy for over 9 hours! Don't worry, Cedar will be here as well, so we'll be fine. We purchased some formula to supplement the pumped milk, so it's a bottle day, which will mean lots of burping!
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