Today was another busy day. Johanna visited NCNM for the first time, a place she'll be visiting often, and she went with mom and Cedar to the SW Community Center pool. Rumor has it she did a reverse triple somersault dive (in the pike position) off the high dive, but I don't have the pictures to prove it. I asked Johanna about it, but she refused to comment.

Mommy bought a Moby wrap today, so now she can do important things like pitch to Cedar in the backyard while nursing. This now brings us to a total of 6 different baby carriers - a jogger, a stroller, a car seat (with a base for each car), a Moby wrap, a Euro-carrier, and a Baby Bjorn (a 7th, the bike trailer, is forthcoming). These compliment the stationary baby holders: two swings (one high, one low), bouncy seat, bassinet, co-sleeper, bathing chair, and the baby boppie (the official name for the "purple pillow"). Ah, the modern necessities. And, they can all be resold on Craigslist when we're done! Hooray for American consumerism! The coolest thing of all is that most of them were gifts. Hooray for baby showers!
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