Thursday, July 20, 2006

We are finally home! OHSU set us free after 3 full days, but not before our friend Marty (holding Johanna in this pic) gave Sheryl a very nice one-hour massage. Talk about room service!

At home we introduced baby Johanna to our puppy, Buster. When Sheryl first brought her close to him, Buster ran away. Later, his curiosity took over and he sniffed around her swing while she slept.

We spent the rest of the afternoon napping and lounging around the house. It's 91 degrees outside, no AC inside. Besides, Buster missed us, and he needed to catch up on 3 days worth of attention. Sheryl sacked out on the chaise as I stared at Johanna and rubbed Buster. Later, Sheryl and Cedar compared baby pictures of Cedar and Johanna.

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